Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Just like Jesus!! yippppeeeee

I am reading a book titled, "Christianity Isn't For Whimps" by Mike Nappa. (very good reading thus far!)

He tells a story in it about this young man that worked and worked to have the same moves as a certain pro football player. The kid would work himself silly to be just like like this player. After an awesome catch one day he shouted out "did you see that? It was just like (insert name)! it was perfect!!" He was so excited and full of joy. The author then says how he wonders what it would be like if we all practiced Jesus' moves ...studied how he did things, practiced in all of our free time to be like him~ and then when we did some great marvelous thing jump for joy and shout out "did you see that?? It was just like Jesus! It was perfect!"

I had to smile as I read that. It is pretty amazing how we worship the things we do, how we want to emulate a person... and yell and scream for our favorite teams. How we jump up and down when they score a point or throw our arms in the air! How can it be alright for our population to do this in worship for a sport, but not for the King of kings?


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


How easy it is to become apathetic...all you have to do is quit studying the word of God. Then boom! You find yourself not really caring anymore. You have to continue to grow in your faith each and everyday! Satan will do everything possible to oppress your walk, so be aware of that. Don't let the daily task in your life take importance over the task of your life. We are told in the book of Judges how Israel fell into chaos when they stopped seeking God. Lack of discipline in our lives can cause us to fall away. Amazing when you fall from something how quickly the distance is put between you and where you were standing. You have to make the choice to make God and his word your authority. Every single day when you put your feet on the floor that determined. Lead others by your own lifestyle. Ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit, fresh and new that day. Ask to be clothed in Christ. Take out the armour you have been given. Open it up and put it to use...fill your mind with his word.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Show your faith..don't shove it.

Am I brainwashed by thinking that something that began less than 100 years ago cannot hold more weight than something that has history from the beginning of time?

What makes people believe what they believe? I got to thinking~ why do we spend more time defending our faith than showing our faith?

I want my relationship with my creator to reflect in my everyday life...I don't want to have to be all legalistic. I do not believe the Bible calls for us to be so. I think that it calls for us to love. More than anything else we can do for one another and to spread the word of Christ is to love.

There is so much division among people...people who have the same goal, uniting each other and bringing more love to the world.

I believe in one true God, the creator of the world. I believe he gave us free will. I believe that God gave us all a choice of how we would live our lives. It is not up to me to convince someone to believe what I believe. It is up to me however to share the good news of God's love. To have that love be unconditional, and pray for others. However, I have to leave it at that, and trust that the seed has been sown. Water as I am able and trust the harvest to God himself.

So I am going to stop defending my faith in a defensive way.... and instead show my faith in my actions and my words. I pray that God's will is done and all can see the peace and joy he gives so freely by how I live my life. I pray that they too will want the relationship with this God of mine. The one true God Almighty!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My theology Paragraph

We are doing some awesome studing in Sunday School! Our assignment this week is to write a paragraph on our Christian Worldviws of Theology. This is designed to be a work in progress. As I grow and learn and discern! So far...

I believe in Theism. I believe that God exist and created the universe and all that the universe contains. I base this belief on not only what the bible tells me, through special revelation… but what scientific evidence shows revealing that the Bible is true through general revelation. I believe that the intricate design of a human being could not be left to mere chance and by all means points to a designer who is intelligent, powerful, and loving. I believe in morality and that there is absolute right and absolute wrong. I believe that in order for this to be true, there has to be one who began the “law” of morality in the first place. I believe that we did not just “become” one day from a bunch of unknown matter…I believe that we were thought out and planned and created. I know that God desires a relationship with me and wants me to live eternally with Him. For this reason He sent His son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the incarnate of God in human flesh. By His blood we are redeemed. God also exist as the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us freely. The Holy Spirit helps to guide us, convict us, and give us insight into God’s word. I believe in the Trinity, the Godhead in three…Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each are separate and yet all are God. I believe God judges our actions and yet is loving and full of mercy. I believe that the blood of Christ covers our sins if we ask for it, believe in it, and repent. I believe that I am fully forgiven and have life anew through Jesus Christ. I believe that the work of the Holy Spirit helps me to grow daily through prayer, study, and reading the Word. I believe that I must fill my mind, my thoughts, my mouth daily with the word of God, and let my actions reveal my motive.

2 Corinthians 13:14 "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."

Saturday, November 07, 2009


I am so thankful that our God is a God of second chances...of forgivness....a God of love! I am so blessed and so privliged. I am so happy that God has just kept on pursuing me throughout my lifetime, even when I thought HE was the last thing I needed. I keep running into things lately that bring back memories for me of crucial events in my Christian walk. It is amazing to me when I stop to realize events that have happened and been placed before me AND the fact that God saw past those, and saw what lay around the corner. He knew what was to come, and what had to come...what had to happen to make what he wanted to happen. God has blessed me greatly. I pray to live life as would please him.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

gossip in disguise

Not a whole lot of things bug me more than someone disguising gossip as a prayer request. I have had it happen to me, and I really didn't appreciate the person having such a need to tell someone something I had going on...that they had to disguise it as a prayer request. It was a personal medical issue, that they ran to tell others about so they could be first to tell. They will have to answer about their own motive... and they lost my trust in the process.

I read this article today, and thought I should share it.


As a sin, gossip is a dangerous one. Gossip is one of Satan’s best tools. If you have a church that is genuinely on fire for God, how else could Satan effectively destroy the church from the inside out? Like Satan himself, a gossip is subtle, sly, ambiguous and bent toward the destruction of another. Gossip is often concealed behind the mask of “concern” for someone else. Listening to gossip is far more palatable if you are sharing in someone’s concern for another. A conversation may begin with one person saying, “I really hate to bring this up, but I am worried about…” Perhaps the gossip will turn to a confidant saying, “I just don’t know who else I can talk to about this…” If you are a gossip, you can always talk to the Lord about it. After all, the Lord is the one who can ultimately fix the problem. If you are prayed up, you could even consider going directly to the person you are concerned about! Perhaps your concern will be the motivation they need to fix the problem (if there is one at all).

Romans chapter one shows us some very dire consequences for certain actions. The Lord’s view on these sins is dire - the wrath of God is revealed. It is never good to be the object of the wrath of God!

Some gossip is due to a desire to be popular. They wants the attention of other people, other gossips, who are looking for the dirt! In order to be popular she has to spread the dirt, or gossip, around, but she also has to accumulate the dirt. In her slyness, she may come to people seeming concerned, asking, “Are you OK? Is everything alright?” seeking those nuggets to build upon. In her false concern, she reveals her true colors. If she is concerned about someone, wouldn’t it be best to pray about it?

Watch out if there is there anything that needs to be said in a whisper. Gossip flourishes on secrecy and rides on the wheels of a whisper. A gossip is cowardly. If she hears of a problem, she does not consider going to the source of a potential problem. Instead, the gossip will work in the shadows.

Finally, from Romans 1, we see that the gossip is a backbiter, or one who slanders, falsely accuses or speaks ill of the absent. The gossip does not have the courage to confront someone to their face. The gossip can only speak of another behind their back. True, the gossip is a coward, but the gossip is likely only afraid of the truth.

Where there is a talebearer, or gossip, there is strife. We have already looked at the traits and some of the goals of the gossip. Another goal of the gossip is strife. Yes, the gossip is interested in building herself up, in making herself look better, but one of her methods for doing this is not by making herself better, but by making others look worse. The strife she causes is destructive and when the gossip is silenced, the strife ceases.

Jesus gave us a firm warning: we will give an account for every idle word. Will that be a time of pleasure for you or a time of pain?


Monday, October 19, 2009

Servant Evangelism

There is a book out by Steve Sjogren titled, Conspiracy of Kindness. My nephew had told me about it, and it is a winner!! It is all about sharing the love of Christ with others, but doing it in a practical way. Not all of us are meant to be street evangelist, not all of us are bold and to the point... Not all people who need the evangelism respond to one type of it. This book is a very good read on practical ways to show the love of God, and to do it outside the four walls of your church. Doing something out of love and not for cost, shows a picture of God's grace.

A few things form the introduction: "God is looking for people who are willing to participate in acts of love and kindness to those outside of their present circle." "We want to show you God's love in a practical way." "The goal in servant evangelism it to shine the spotlight on God's kingdom by coming in the spirit of Jesus." " People who have been served to in this way come away with a positive impression of Christianity" "Deeds of kindness get people's attention and cause them to ask questions of why"

Some ideas he gives are, free gift wrapping at a shopping center during the holidays, a group offering to rake leaves at no cost, handing out cups of coffee at a bus stop, bottles of water, rainy day escorts at grocery stores, giving out carbon monoxide detectors, shopping assistance for shut-ins, washing cars... the list goes on and on.

Sometimes we scare people when we try to only tell them, but fail to show them the love of Jesus. Allow them to experiecne the love. Gotta go read some more!

Friday, October 02, 2009

Jesus was Homeless Too!

Last night I learned alot. Maybe more than I have ever learned in such a short amount of time. Even though the sights were depressing, the spirits were uplifting and the love was true.

I for one have never ever see in real life how it is to be homeless. We went to a couple of bridges that are "homeless communities". As we pulled up, my heart dropped. There were makeshift beds everywhere. Some of the beds were simply wooden crates with a thin blanket over the top. A great number of garbage bags, many containing their only possessions, were lying everywhere. There were end tables sitting around, broken chairs, blankets, bags and bags and bags of stuff. Each person or couple seemed to have a distinct area that was "theirs". Almost like it was their own little home. Everything that they owned in the world packed up beside where they had prepared a place to sleep. Men, women, young, old, black, white...

We all got out and walked into to the areas. We just sort of mingled about, asked them if they would like a backpack....took a few minutes to ask about them, their life. How long they had been there, what had happened, family? We offered to pray with them and share the word. They were so appreciate of the conversation, I think perhaps even more than they were of the backpacks! They did love the packs, were so excited to get them and see what was inside!! They said thanks a thousand times. They smiled and talked about how they had been blessed, how kind we had been. They were eager to talk, eager to receive a hug. A few had made the choice to be there, others had some bad life circumstances, others had issues they were working on to go back home. Several have no family at all. Some were very recent to be there.

One girl, Allie, seemed somewhat embarrassed to accept the pack, and yet desperately wanted it. She took it and smiled and thanked the person that handed it to her. She wanted to talk and yet was a little shy to look you in the face. She was pretty excited that one of the agencies may be able to get her "inside" by November. Another lady, Laura asked for prayer for her two daughters. They are 11 and 16. I am unsure of when she last saw them. Her eyes just lit up when she spoke of them. There was a guy we met named Ricky. Very animated and just happy with life. Great smile and shining eyes. Telling us about how important God is to him, he readily accepted the opportunity for someone to pray for him. I also met a gentleman by the name of Larry. He looked so familiar to me. He lost his job about 3 months ago. First time he has ever been homeless. He has no family at all. NONE. We talked for a really long time. He cried some, we prayed some, we laughed some.... He has some heart issues and has not been able to afford his medications. He asked specifically for prayer for his health and finding a new job. Also met a man named Danny. Real nice guy, jokester. Caring and watchful. On a list to get "inside" as well. I believe he is 4th on the list??
One of the most hurtful things that happens to these people is that they get treated like no one. Like they are no one at all. From what I heard and observed, that bothers them more than being homeless. They just want to be acknowledged. They want a smile, a hello, a nod.
One of the gentleman, that wasn't real sure that we were just Christian people there to do good for no reason other than that we cared....... he was telling me how some of the homeless are drunk every night, pan-handling constantly, sleeping on the sidewalk, peeing on the walls.... He said that they give the rest of the homeless a bad name. That really hit home with me. I told him, "sounds like some Christians I know. They give us all a bad name by being hypocrites, and mean, and uncaring" I told him, you can't judge all of them by the few that have offended you either. He just smiled at me and nodded his head. He said, "your right" and he kept on smiling.

It was a blessed night.

We had 28 people with us on this journey, and not one of them were not used by God to touch another soul. Thank God that Patti's church heard the call. There were many out there under the bridges, and in the lot. From what I understand, the numbers were actually down at the lot that evening.

oh yeah, the lot!! We also went to a "feeding lot" right behind Lucas Oil Stadium.
WOW, there is a ministry called Manna Ministries of Indianapolis, the website is GO the the site and DONATE to them!! They are awesome!! This is just a private family that has a great desire to serve God by reaching out to those less fortunate. They have a bus they drive and every single Thursday come rain or shine, at 7:00 p.m. they serve dinner to however many come to the parking lot they set up in. Inside the bus they have socks, hats, gloves, hygiene products, coats, clothing, you name it. Each person that arrives at the lot gets a number. After a short message, each person takes his number up to the food line and gets a meal served to them. Then one by one they call out the numbers and that person gets to go and get on the bus. They have prayer and tell what they need for that week. Then it is given to them as they are able. It is amazing! They so have their heart in the right place. I cannot encourage you enough to go and donate to this family. I am unsure of how they fund the food, or anything else. They have built a relationship with these homeless people and it is inspiring.

so yeah, I went with my cousin Patti last night to an outreach she helped to put together for the homeless. This is something very near and dear to her. She was homeless herself. She was only a small the cold........ on the streets of Indianapolis. Some people have things like this happen in their lives, and they only complain about it. Or perhaps they get out of a situation and then they never look back. NOT Patti, she goes to action and does something to make it better. She is living her life to serve her Lord and his creation to the best of her ability. She is inspiring and uplifting to be around. I greatly appreciate her willingness to serve so freely.

oh I could go on and on and on....... the visions will be forever in my mind. I certainly plan to make this a part of my own outreach. I pray that you might join me. God Bless!! Don't forget to go and donate, you wil lbe blessed and so will they!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What would happen?

I wonder what our world or even our town or even our church would be like...........if.......... we all did seriously ask the question, "What would Jesus do?" In every situation. Every decision. Every choice. Every everything. What if we disciplined ourselves to that degree?

What if we each prayed every single morning for a minimum of 15 minutes? What if we truly summoned God to be in control. Gave him our burdens, our worries, our fears?

What if we did ask for protection of our minds, our hearts, our mouths? What if we everyday prior to going out asked to be clothed in Christ?

What if we quit putting ourselves first and instead put ourselves last? What if we all lived how Jesus instructed us to live... what would the world be like today?

Each of us can start this right now. It only takes one person to begin a revolution.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

In the light

I have had time to absorb God's word over the last couple of weeks. It has been pleasant.

Sometimes we get so caught up, we just throw a few minutes here and there..but don't truly take the time to read, study, and absorb His word. It is sorta funny to me sometimes how I might have read something many many times over a vast number of years, and then BOOM. I understand what it says. God's word has this effect on me. I know that His word never it must be me!

I am so thankful that God has given that opportunity, to change. Not everyone allows it. Some people hold onto things that have happened, words said, wrong actions taken....... and they just keep on holding on. They can't see past the incident, and everything just stops for them there. I have been guilty of it myself. There was a person that I was like this with for years. YEARS, even after becoming a Christian. I heard her name and would cringe. The thought of her just made my blood get hot. It is so crazy. She has no idea the amount of time I have spent allowing a particular event to define her for me. She has no idea, and I seriously doubt that she cares at all. I however, kept it alive and updated. Refreshing my mind with continual bad thoughts and hurt feelings.

I can only imagine how horrible my life would be right now, if God were like that to me. If He never gave me another chance. If He didn't care to give me the opportunity to change. If He didn't even try to move past my failures, my sins.We should be following the example that was given us. We cannot be the same person we once were. We cannot assume other people are the same as they once were. It is like the Bible talks about in 1st John, the outside of the cup being clean, but the inside never touched. God looks to the inside, He looks to the heart. He knows your heart.

Do you need to give someone another chance? Do you maybe need to not give another chance, but let go of the hurt and anger and pain it caused you? Do it. Don't allow someone else to steal your JOY in Christ. You can't be in the dark and in the light.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Here comes Sunday!

Sunday~ I love Sunday because I love going to church! We were talking last week at our woman's bible study about sacrifice. Our study prompted us to reflect and discuss the sacrifices we make as a Christian. I was blank.

Then I sort of had to laugh inside, four or five years ago... I could have given you an unending list of sacrifices I would need to make to be a Christian. Actually I already considered myself a Christian, so I guess they would have been sacrifices made to attend church. Even getting up early would have been a huge sacrifice for me.

The amazing thing is, none of these things even matter anymore. The "sacrifices" are things I want to do, I desire to do. It is so true that allowing God into your life, establishing a personal relationship...changes your heart, your mind, your thoughts. It does not even take effort for the change. I never understood this before. I can't explain it now. It all has to do with GRACE.

I am not doing anything different in my life due to requirements... I am doing things different in my life due to a changed heart, changed desires. Then to top it all off, my life is so full of joy and peace and love~ more than it ever has been. It is like once I quit trying to find all of that on my own, it was just handed me to me. It is funny to me now, I seriously laugh out loud....

Sunday, August 02, 2009

August 1,2009 Creation Museum

Yesterday we went to the Creation Museum with Bill and Teresa. It was VERY crowded. It was exciting though to see how many people wanted to spend their weekend learning more about God's word. There were a huge variety of people and that made it even cooler.
LOTS of exhibits. The surroundings of each exhibit were so life-like that sometimes you had to really think about if it was real or fake. There was a lot of information. For the amount of people that were there and the amount of information, it was a little bit overwhelming to absorb everything as we followed the crowds through. I did learn several interesting things that were new to me. I loved having science and religion on such a united front. I also felt amazed at how much faith it must take to not believe that there is a God. They made some very good points about that. Another of the things that I really appreciated was having the facts presented to me on both fronts.
I would highly recommend going, but not on a weekend if you can help it. Or, if you go on the weekend.. have an early lunch prior to going and then arrive around noon. You'll miss the craziness of eating there and I think miss alot of the crowds in the exhibits. I would also suggest going to their website and getting a listing of shows that are playing and special you can plan your day accordingly. The lines to see the shows/videos were pretty long waits. Average wait time was about 30 minutes sometimes longer. I am sure this had some to do with it being on the weekend.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Thank God, that he will never let me go!

I keep thinking of reason why I haven't written on here, and yet..i think the truth is that I am at a roadblock. Perhaps self imposed?? Sometimes I feel so very close to God, like I can feel his touch. Other times, I feel so far away.... like there is no way I could even fathom him speaking to me. I do not understand why I cannot stay on a steady path. Why do I allow myself to waver, when it makes me feel miserable?
I do know the difference of having God in my life or not having God in my life, and I know FOR SURE the difference it makes. I know how much happier how much more at peace I I see the joy all around me. And yet, I allow myself to become distanced. I don't do it on purpose. It starts as one small slip, and then leads into this huge gap in my life.
I find myself wondering what happened? How did I get from there to here? I think it is the same with alot of things in our lives, but of things that truly make our life complete.. it is the one and only. Why would I not continually nourish that which makes me complete?
I'm still working on figuring it all out. I never want to go back to where I used to be though, so I know I have to remove the roadblock. Whatever means are necessary, and discipline myself to keep the road open and working in both directions. Thank you God for never leaving me or forsaking me, even when I place things in the way of my reaching you. Thanks to you for leading me back into your arms, and just holding me until I am ready to get back on my feet again.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Prevenient Grace

I mentioned earlier about Prevenient Grace. That was a new term to me not so long ago. The basic definition of Prevenient Grace is that God is present with us throughout our lives.

Even when we have no plan, God does. Jeremiah 1:5 tells us that God knew us even before he formed us in the womb.

He pursues us throughout our life. He prepares us for circumstances that we will endure. As you go through life doing your "own thing" you will more than likely will feel this yearning for something more... That is God pursuing you.

Someone once told me, "No one can limit you, when the grace of God goes before you." I believe that. Now that I know about Prevenient Grace, I see it all over my life. In my parents, my friends, the Wednesday night church van that came through my neighborhood, small encounters with strangers, a job change, my husband, a place I had no plans of going....

There is only one thing in my life that I do not see the hand of God. I know He had to of been there. I know He certainly carried me through. But I am still struggling to have a clear picture of why. I realize that all things are not revealed to us. I have accepted it (still working on accepting it), and continue to move through it. I pray for the knowledge to comprehend. I believe that God will reveal it to me at the proper time. I have to patient, and know that I am surrounded by Prevenient Grace.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

old studies.. same wisdom

I have been going through some old keepsakes and such..trying to get organized. I came across some notes from previous bible studies. Several things really stood out to me.

1. Practice being in the presence of God.
2. God is present throughout our lives = prevenient grace...can you pinpoint a time in your life that you know that God was with you, guiding you~ even though you had no relationship with Him..maybe you had never heard of Him.
3. God's love and grace are greater than all of our wrong choices.
4. God's love and forgiveness become our motivation for Holy living, not vice versa. Just accept His grace! You cannot do anything to earn favor with God. It is through the grace of Jesus' death that you have favor.
Learn to be happy with who God made you to be.
5. You can receive daily deliverance from the power of sin by calling on the Spirit. Galatians 5:16 "So I say, live by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of sinful nature." The authority of Satan has been broken, it cannot touch us, unless we allow it.
6. Focus on the Problem Solver, not the problem.
7. James 4:8 "Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you.
8.What would others say is the driving force in my life? What do I want others to say is the driving force in my life? What do I need to change to make these match?
9. Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. 1John 4:4
10. NO matter who you are or what you have done, if your faith is strong enough, He will heal you. He was the last choice for the woman in the bible who had a bleeding issue, yet He helped her. He will do the same for you, when you reach through the masses, He knows. He will hold your hand.
11. James 4:7 Resist the devil and he will flee from you.(memorize this verse)
12. "Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." 1Peter 5:8
13. Have something that you want to do, and you just can't? Jesus can, and will. He lives in you. Call on His power and stand firm.
Luke 5: 1_11 It is not too late.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Beautiful weekend, other than all of the rain...

I got a fabulous surprise Sunday when my son and his girlfriend showed up at our church. What a joy to see his face! I love that kid like crazy!! While we were sitting there during the service, it kept coming to mind how God must feel when we come to him. I was so overjoyed at seeing my firstborn, I just kept, imagine the rejoicing God does when we submit ourselves to him. When we quit running and we ask him to be a part of our lives. I know for me, having Allen there Sunday made the whole day alot brighter. I can't even fathom what God experiences when we choose to be a follower of his.

I am blessed and want nothing more than those blessings to be Allen's to stake claim of as well. If we want the best for our children, if we suffer when they do, and rejoice when they do....... How much more so does God do this for us? Indescribable indeed! You are amazing placed the stars in the sky~~

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The little things

I have waited a little while to comment on this, as I have been unsure of what to say.... A lady that I have been working with for the past few months lost her husband just recently. Very tragic accident at his workplace. I never met him, but have heard wonderful things about him. Great wonderful family man /husband/father/brother/son/friend. I went to pay my respects to this fine Christain gentleman, Tim McCammon. I was so uplifted by the many that came to honor him and to support her and their children. It brought tears to my eyes to see the people pouring out of the building..wrapping around it on all sides..just waiting to pay respects to this family. The whole entire day was like that, as well as the evening, and into the night. From what I hear until close to midnight people came from near and far. I believe it was close to three hours before I had the honor to give my support to this family. Though it was overwhelming~ sad and so hard to comprehend~ how amazing to see what a great testimony to God this family continued to give to each and everyone of us who came. How any of them were still standing, was by God's mighty hand..and they were not hesitant to tell you so.
I find myself thinking about Tim and DeAnna all the time. Little things especially make me stop. We take so much for granted each day. Especially the little things we have come to expect. I am thankful that they will all be together again, but I still think about NOW. How do you just go on? What a heaviness on your heart to just have your life turned upside down.
I have prayed countless prayers for this family, and I want to ask you to do the same. Lift them up, pray for their strength, encouragement, tenacity... Pray for God to wrap them tightly and keep them close. Bless them. I pray that through this tragedy, triumph comes. I pray for someone who knew Tim or maybe who didn't even know him, to see the example of his life. To let it make an impact on their own lives, that they too can be a representative of Christ. We know that God does all things for good, for He himself tells us so. He also tells us that it will not all be revealed to us until it is time. He does have a plan. He wants you in it. From what I understand, so did Tim. Let us honor him in this.

Today's Verse

Today's Bible verse hit home with me.

James 3:9-10
With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.

How very easy it is to see the faults of others and even let their "faults" become our focus. Why is it so easy to see where other people are making major mistakes, saying rude things, and just all around doing a poor job of representing Christ...and yet our own lives could reflect theirs as if it were a mirror? Even though this is the case many times, we see it in their lives, but are totally blind to it in our own. Even if we are not blind to it, we certainly excuse it or defend it. We are no different than our brother.

Luke 6:42 How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Make Time for Prayer

Make Time for Prayer

"Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you. "For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened. "Or what man is there among you, when his son shall ask him for a loaf, will give him a stone? "Or if he shall ask for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he? "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him! (NAS, Matthew 7:7-11)

Prayer is loving communication with God. Prayer may be long or short, alone or in a group, silent or aloud, but should be a true communication with God and not done for public recognition.

God promised to answer our prayers and give us everything we need and more. But a wise parent will not give a child everything he or she wants. Similarly, prayer is not a magical trick to get anything we want or a "quick fix" for problems that we should be solving ourselves. God answers prayer requests in His own way in His own time, and will not grant requests that are against His holy and wise purposes, are selfish in nature, are not in our best long-term interest, or those made with impure motives.

Often, we must be persistent in prayer. The answer, when it comes, may be in a form radically different than we expected, and we must be alert to that possibility. Sometimes, the answer must come from within ourselves and persistent prayer will help us find that answer. We may need a new attitude or a different way of looking at things, or we may need to make amends with somebody.

Jesus spent a lot of time praying. He often went to a solitary place and prayed for hours at a time, especially at difficult times in His ministry. Jesus is the great intercessor. He is the one interceding for us every time we speak to God. Let's follow that example and intercede for those we love!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

He gives strength

Today I got some crazy news about a person who is dear to me. This wonderful sweet person, who has spent her life taking care of others and offering comfort.... Her time has come to be on the receiving end. Perhaps it will be a challenge for her to go from the comforter to the comfortee.

She is a true example of how God would want his children to live. I think that is why I am struggling right now to understand everything. I know that God has all intentions of using all things for our good and the good of others... I do know that, and I believe~ my heart struggles today to fully acknowledge it though.

I want to know what say and how. I have so many times seen her on the other end of this. She has in fact been on the other end for me myself. I have been astonished at her compassion and caring heart.

Philippians 4:16 tells us " Do not fret or have anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving make your wants known to God.

This is my prayer today. I pray that God wraps himself around you my friend, and just holds you...until you can stand on your own again. I pray for his mighty hand upon you. I pray for the power of his healing. I pray for the outpouring of strength and endurance upon you. I pray for his grace to overwhelm you. I pray for his favor and peace to surround you.

I am wondering why.... I don't understand, and I know that I am not suppose to understand everything. It doesn't make any easier to just accept though. I do know however, that God will carry us through. He is right where he always has been, and will be. He has been where we are. He has hurt, he has grieved. He never moves.

Isaiah 40

29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Living a Life on Loan by Rick Rusaw and Eric Swanson

Living a Life on Loan is a book about grace. It ask who we really are? Are we defined by our failures and successes? Do you see life a limited due to circumstances or do you see you life as part of something BIG? This book is about living how God designed us, being practical in that, and impacting others to live their life accordingly. Its biggest message is living life to the fullest. NO one knows the day or the hour that God will call them home. No one knows how much time they have left to fulfill the great commission that God gave us. Know one knows if tomorrow is going to be here to present God to your unbelieving child. Don't wait until tomorrow what you can do today. Yours is a life on loan.

"As followers of Christ, we each have the ability to make the invisible God visible by our words and our actions." Eric Swanson

I like that quote.

Sometimes it is tough to remember that the most effective message isn't the one that we heard on Sunday in a building with a large group of other believers... the most effective message is one that is lived day in and day out. Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you guide me today in living out this message. I pray for the Holy Spirit be with me, and for me to have the ability to discern what is effective and what is not. I thank you for this life, for all you have given me so freely. Let your example shine through me today and touch someones life...

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Pray Continually with your Attitude

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (New International Version)

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus

If we followed this verse and carried Christ with us everywhere we went, keeping him in our thoughts with every passing moment. If he were all we wanted and all we desired. If everything else that happened in our life was just a distraction, keeping us from what we really wanted...

Then, we have an idea of what Paul is talking about.

We cannot pray every second of every day any more than we could have been with that person every moment. But it is possible to love Jesus Christ so much that we carry Him with us wherever we go. In this context, Paul is not talking about prayer as an action; He is talking about it as an attitude. It is an attitude that places Jesus above everything else in our life. Even as we work, spend time with friends or relax at home, He is ever present with us.

Our love for Jesus may start small but will grow into a wild fire if we fan the flames. For that to happen, we need to nurture our relationship by remembering Him in everything we do. We need to let Jesus occupy our heart and mind every moment we are awake. If we adopt this unceasing attitude of prayerfulness which Paul describes, our love for Christ and the joy we gain will eclipse anything we have ever known before.

Friday, January 02, 2009

do you practice avoidance?

As I have been studying up a bit on attitude, I have come across some reading on how we, as humans deal with certain situations. The one thing that really stuck out to me the most was the coping skill of avoidance. I don't think I realized how much I do this, until I read all the examples of it...and saw myself clearly in each one! Avoidance is not a true coping skill, it is exactly what the word says a-v-o-i-a-d-a-n-c-e. Not dealing with something is how many of us deal with something. We avoid it.

Avoidance can steal our peace and joy because many of the situations and activities we avoid, in the interest of comfort, that were placed in our lives by God for a purpose. So we end up avoiding the very things we ought to do. A big reason we avoid the situation or activity is due to the anxiety it causes. It makes us uncomfortable. it doesn't matter how much we may want to do it, we far less want the feelings of being uncomfortable, so we just stay away. We never deal with what it is, or we postpone it until it can be avoided no longer...which makes the whole situation 10 times worse. It is this whole fear of the unknown.

Though Jesus taught us to not be anxious, to not worry, to have faith... He does not condemn us for these natural human feelings. We can have them, we cannot let them overtake us. We have to take action against them. Even Jesus sweat blood in anticipation of the cross, but he did not avoid it.

Being anxious and trying to avoid something doesn't mean that you do not have belief or do not have faith. These are normal feelings that have existed since the beginning. However, it doesn't mean that we let these feeling control out lives. We have to let our trust in God control our lives. We have to take action upon the feelings. At times we just have to be obedient and trust God. In James 2, we are told that faith without action is dead. And in Matt 26:41 we are told, The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak". So, it isn't in having these feelings of avoidance or anxiety that we show weakness, it is in our ACTION of disobedience or obedience that we show our strength or weakness.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Year, New Me!

The sermon today was about having a "new you" for the New Year. That is something that I desire. My life is great, don't get me wrong, but I know how much better it could be.

As I have grown in my spiritual walk, and matured...I have also found myself becoming complacent. I think a big part of that is how very content I feel with life in general. I don't recall ever feeling so content ever before. It is amazing the peace that God brings into your life. That in itself is not bad, nor do I want to change (not after all of the years searching for it). However, I am just coming to realize that because I do feel so content, I have not been making much of an effort to maintain the relationship that brought me this peace and contentment in the first place. I have found myself instead, having become comfortable.

I think at times it easy to take for granted the good life we have. At first it amazes us and it takes all we have to believe it is real...then, we become accustomed to it and perhaps even expect it.

It is our choice to see what we have as a gift, and to continue to nurture it. It is our choice to just be satisfied and settle into where we are. A big part of that decision is our attitude in general. We take so much for granted. We forget how privileged we are not only hear and now, but in the aspects of eternity. We are a blessed people. Sometimes though, we don't act it. I don't act it.

I woke up the other morning so grumbly and negative. All I wanted was to go back to sleep. I was warm and comfy. The last thing that seemed appealing to me was to get up and get a shower and go to work. It was all in my attitude though. Once I made myself recall how privileged I was to have slept in a bed last night, to have a blanket, a roof... to be able to grab a shower and to not only have a job, but a job that I love. What a stinking attitude to be whining about getting out of bed! Poor me, such a rough life.

That is what I want to be new about me this year. I want to have a great attitude, a positive attitude, a friendly attitude, a prayerful attitude, a blessed attitude, a Godly attitude. Lord, forgive my selfish attitude. I pray that I will be prompted by the Holy Spirit every time I have that type attitude. I pray for it to be replaced by an attitude that is pleasing to you.
1 John 4:4"... because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Forgiveness is extending love and mercy to someone who has wronged or hurt you. It is NOT saying that what was done was acceptable, or that it did not matter, but it is a choice to release the person from the burden of guilt for what they have done wrong and not allow that offense to affect your relationship.
Forgiveness is a powerful thing, for both the forgiver and the recipient. It may even be more powerful for the one doing the forgiving... the tension and stress that build in your body from the emotional hurt of someone wronging you (especially if it was someone you loved) wreck havoc on your life. There is not rest. And you know what? The craziness you are putting yourself through is probably doing nothing at all to that person. They probably have no idea how much it is tearing you apart. Maybe they do know, and they don't care. No matter what the situation is, release it. Give it to God, and take his peace instead.
It truly is amazing how much you can just "let go" if you allow God to help you. I might add that true blessings arrive when you then pray for that person. There seriously is a peace that comes to rest upon your soul.
Is this easy? NO, it can be very very hard. So hard that you feel like giving up on everything. I can verify that you are hurting no one, but YOU if you don't even try.
This is where it is crucial too to have others that are praying for you, that keep up with you. Make friends with other believers and be open and honest with them. When you aren't able to carry yourself, someone else can step in the gap and bring you through. They cannot help though, if you aren't up front about your situation. This is NOT the time to try to stand alone. Friends are friends forever...when the Lord is the lord of them.

How Awesome is Prayer

The last couple of days have been full of mercy and grace! I am feeling very embraced in God's arms. I know people have been praying for us, and praying for my family. I want to thank you so much for that! It is amazing how you can seriously feel the love of God. It becomes so obvious that others are lifting you up.

I have a friend, who not too long ago was involved in a bike accident. She called me and asked for me to pray and for me to contact our church to pray. I did immediately. I spoke with her a few hours later, and she told me how this utter calmness just came over her. She knew that she was being prayed for. She could not believe the load lifted from her. It made a difference in her ability to cope at that moment.

I had never really had that exact feeling, but after the past few days, I have! How awesome to have so many people come together and pray specifically for another. Imagine the difference we could make in others lives by lifting them to God in prayer.

My niece does just this. She has a prayer collage. She has pasted pictures and written names of certain people she is praying for. Some prayers are continual, and some are special request, or circumstances. She prays over the entire thing, praying for each of them. It is pretty awesome. Another thing that I heard someone mention was to create a "prayer date book" You write in certain people's name or names on certain days, and then devote a special prayer to that person on that particular day. Depending on how many people you were praying for specifically, you could have a prayer collage for each day!

If we were all praying for our church leaders, political leaders, our co-workers, our families, our church families, our realtives, our neighbors, a person we don't get along with, a stranger we met in the store.... What a serious difference we could be making! If you are reading this right now, STOP..say a prayer for the first person that comes to your mind. Seriously do it.
We could be doing that hundreds of times a day! Thanks to all of you who have been praying for me. I love you guys!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Authentic Christianity

Authentic Christianity is the consistency between words and actions~ between claimed values and actual priorities. It is something I strive for, but have a long way to go to reach. I am working on it daily. Some days are better than others.

You have to truly connect with God to be authentic, not just go through the motions. It begins with spiritual authenticity`daily reserved time.

You have time for what you make time for.

Journaling helps to keep track of where you have been and what you are doing. It is like a post game analysis. It helps you to be authentic. Can you be conformed to the image of Christ without evaluating your progress or mistakes? Try writing out your prayers, your thoughts, your feelings, decisions, frustrations.... analyze your day, see where you can improve and where you did great!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Fallacy of Full-Time Christian Work

The following is an article by Os Hilman from the Today God is First series

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord,
not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the
Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving
. (Colossians 3:23-24).

"I didn't know you were in fulltime Christian work," said my close friend as we were driving. "I didn't realize that," she went on. I responded, "Every person who has followed the will of God in their life is in full-time Christian work." God calls some to the mission field, others to be accountants, others to be advertising executives, and still others to be construction workers. God never made a distinction between sacred and secular. In fact, the Hebrew word avodah is the root word having the same meaning of "work" and "worship." God sees our work as worship. We have incorrectly elevated the role of the Christian worker to be more holy and committed than the person who is serving in a more secular environment. Yet the call to the secular workplace is as important as any other calling. God has to have His people in every sphere of life Otherwise, many would never come to know Him because they would be
separated from society. I learned this lesson personally when I sought to go into "full-time" service as a pastor in my late twenties, only to have God thrust me back into the business world unwillingly. This turned out to be the best thing He could have done for me, because it was never His will for me to be a pastor. He knew I was more suited for the workplace. We are all in missions. Some are
called to foreign lands. Some are called to the jungles of the workplace. Wherever you are called, serve the Lord in that place. Let Him demonstrate
His power through your life so that others might experience Him through you and see your vocation as worship to His glory. He desires to use you in your area
of influence to impact your workplace, city and nation for His glory.

is written by Os Hillman.
To subscribe to his daily email go to: or

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Prayer pattern of Paul for the Corinthians

A.C.T.S. A=Adoration, C=Confession, T=Thanksgiving, S=Supplication

In addition to the above listed basics...

1. Ask for understanding of what God wants you to do.
2. Ask for spiritual wisdom.
3. To be honoring and pleasing to God.
4. To produce every kind of good fruit.
5. To learn to know God better and better.
6. To be strengthened with God's glorious power.
7. To have great endurance and patience.
8. To be filled with joy.
9. To give thanks always!

I do not know where I obtained this list.... I just found it jotted in my notebook. I do know however, if you begin incorporating all of this in with your daily prayers....things are going to start happening in your life!

Monday, December 22, 2008

whaddaya mean forgive them?

Sometimes it is not possible to live in peace with everyone, the problem is not always dependent upon what you do. However, we must make every effort to love a person that seems unlovable..
HOW?? Number one is that you have to forgive that person unconditionally. UNCONDITIONALLY, no strings attached. If you leave strings attached, you are not forgiving. You have to forgive them repeatedly if need be. Perhaps that will be a need on your part as thoughts creep into your head drowning out why you forgave them in the first place!! OR perhaps the person just does not "get it". Whatever the case, that choice is yours.
You have to take action on it; pray about it. Pray for enlightenment and for love for the individual. Ask to love them through Jesus... that may be the only way you can.
You cannot assume this persons' motives. Don't even try, unless they are with the best intentions. When you begin to decide for yourself what the motives are, you have just joined ranks with them. Step above that. Stand up tall.
Ask God to search your own heart as we are told in the scriptures to do. Ask him to search it and to reveal to you areas you may be able to change. Maybe you need more tolerance, patience, forgiveness...
Pray before you enter a stormy situation, pray when you are there, pray when you leave it... If you don't ask for the help, you have a high chance of not getting it. We have total free choice with God, if you chose to do it on your own..well, that is your choice. Don't think about how much it hurts you, think about how much they need forgivness. Don't be an enemy even if you have one.
I am typically very quick to forgive. That has not always been the case. God has been working on me though, and I see how much better it is to forgive and forget than to hold on to something that can eat you alive. I am certainly not encouraging anyone to be blind or ignorant~~certain things, certain people, certain places..are just best to stay away from. But given the opportunity to restore a Godly relationship that has gone astray, I think God would back you all the way! Don't worry about what others think(perhaps their hearts are hardened?), they are not going to be there to answer for you, to take your punishment, or to take your crown when we come face to face with the one whose thoughts truly matter. Do what is right, because it is right, you don't need any other reason. Do you have someone you need to forgive today? Do you have a relationship that needs restored? Pray about it, and don't toss God's reply around. Act on it. They may or may not accept it, you can still refuse to be an enemy. Either way is going to be do what YOU should and let God handle the rest. love, love, love to all of you!